Below you will find a list of products that have been manufactured or supplied by Varec throughout our history.

The product number and name are given along with the current status of the product. Varec no longer supports discontinued products, although some documentation may be available for download. Varec is able to provide an alternative, replacement product for all discontinued products listed below. To find out if spare parts are available for the product, please contact your local Varec representative for further information.

1000 Transmitter AnalyzerDiscontinuedNo replacement
1002/5000 Series Magnetostrictive ProbeDiscontinuedView Radar or Servo Section
1002A Advanced Magnetostrictive ProbeDiscontinuedView Radar or Servo Section
1140 Servo GaugeDiscontinuedView Servo Section
1150 Multi-Parameter Servo Gauge (ITG50)Spares OnlyView Servo Section
1151 High Pressure Servo Gauge (ITG50)Spares OnlyView Servo Section
1160 Multi-Parameter Servo Gauge (ITG60)Spares OnlyView Servo Section
1170 Multi-Parameter Servo Gauge with Intelligent Head (ITG70)Spares OnlyView Servo Section
1410 Averaging Selection Unit (ASU) Discontinued4532 ATCManual
1900 Micro 4-Wire Transmitter 1900Spares Only2920 FTTManual
2557 Alarm Limit SwitchDiscontinued2920 FTTManual
2900 Float & Tape TransmitterSpares Only2920 FTTManual
2910 Float and Tape TransmitterSpares Only2920 FTTManual
3740/50W TankViewDiscontinuedFuelsManager
4000 Advanced Technology TransmitterDiscontinued2920 FTTManual
4050 ATTi Bus Digital I/O Unit (BIU)Discontinued2920 FTT
4060 ATT Companion Device (Analog I/O Unit)Discontinued2920 FTT
4535/6/8 Average Temperature TransmitterSpares Only4532 ATC4535 and 4538
4110 HART Level EncoderSpares Only2920 FTTManual
4100/4200 Hydrostatic Interface UnitSpares Only2920 FTT
4120 Multi-Element Transmitter (METT) Spares Only4532 ATCManual
4560 Servo Gauge MonitorDiscontinuedPendingManual
4590 TSMDiscontinued2920 FTTManual
N6005 Rackbus Communication ModuleSpares OnlyView Servo Section
6005 Servo Tank GaugeDiscontinuedView Servo Section Service Manual, Installation Manual
6500 Varec Servo GaugeDiscontinuedView Servo Section Manual
6820 Tank Scanning Unit (TSU)Discontinued8810 RTUManual
6840 Tank Polling Unit (TPU)Discontinued8810 RTUManual
6850 Field Interface Converter (FIC) Discontinued8810 RTUManual
7110W Magnetostrictive Sensor DiscontinuedView Radar or Servo Section
7200 Series Radar Tank Gauges Spares OnlyView Radar or Servo SectionManual
7530 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedView Radar SectionManual, Spares
7532 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedView Radar SectionManual
7533 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedView Radar SectionManual
770 Servo GaugeDiscontinuedView Servo Section
8130 Remote Terminal UnitDiscontinued8810 RTU Technical Specifications
8200 COTDiscontinued8920 LPT Manual
8206 6 - Channel High Speed Pulse InputDiscontinued
8209 Interface - Tokyo KeisoDiscontinued
8220 Data Capture UnitDiscontinuedNo Replacement
8230-A1 Data Capture UnitDiscontinued
8232 Data Capture UnitDiscontinuedIntoPlane Alternatives
8300 TankGate Interface (TGI)Discontinued8810 RTU Manual
8303-3 TankGate Interface (MTS)Spares Only
8303-5 TankGate Interface (Rackbus)Spares Only
8410 Wireless Field TransmitterDiscontinuedNo replacement, contact sales. Manual
8650 Operator Interface TerminalDiscontinuedNo replacement, contact sales
N9000 FuelsManager Data AcquisitionDiscontinuedFuelsManager
N9001 FuelsManager Application Extensions DiscontinuedFuelsManager
N9002 FuelsManager Communication Modules DiscontinuedFuelsManager
9640- IntoPlane Handheld ComputerDiscontinuedIntoPlane Alternatives
9909 Average Temperature SensorDiscontinued4532 ATC
NG4 Servo GaugeSpares OnlyView Servo Section
FMR50 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedSee radar sectionManual
FMR51 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedSee radar sectionManual
FMR52 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedSee radar sectionManual
FMR53 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedSee radar sectionManual
FMR530 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedSee radar sectionManual
FMR533 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedSee radar sectionManual
FMR540 Radar Tank GaugeDiscontinuedSee radar section

Other documentation may be in our resource library for recently discontinued products. Please search by the model number to view what is available.

Varec continues to provide tank gauging, inventory control systems, SCADA and other fuel management solutions for the oil & gas, aviation and defense industries.